Friday, April 16, 2010

What's wrong with Apple having a policy of no beta testers? Just what you'd expect.

Apple loves keeping all their releases a big secret so the wow factor never gets diluted. The problem is that unlike google and microsoft, they don't send their products to beta testers so they're not able to iron out works. For instance, not figuring out that the iPad's wifi wasn't working was a huge blunder, considering the iPad doesn't have any connectivity ports for any other form of internet access (or anything else really, except a proprietary jack for docks and other licensed accessories).

The same thing goes for their peripherals. Now that Apple fans have had adequate time to play with their magic mice, people are starting to realize one of the great truths in the world: choosing something because it looks cool may end up f*cking you in the pooper.

No doubt the Magic Mouse looks cool, even if it has a super douchey name. It looks like the fingernail of some magical fairytale creature that enjoys selling its testicles for computer hardware. But even if it looks cool, apparently it's been causing significant injury to limp-wristed apple fans' limp wrists. It's so un-ergonomic that someone has already designed an orthopedic extension for the Magic Mouse. Check out the video below:

Magic Mouse Fixed from on Vimeo.

One would think that when Apple designs something that needs to be held in the hand every single second it's being used, they would design it with ergonomics as high priority.

Nope. As usual, they only think about the form factor. It makes about as much sense as using a pineapple for a bicycle seat. It may look cool, but it'll tear you a new one.

Check out the site for kicks (link)

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